Legislative Offices and Local Media Attend CENET Program at Elementary School
On February 1, Culture in the Community (CITC) visited the 3rd & 4th grade classes at Oran Elementary. After receiving play passports, the students embarked on a “journey around the world”—all from within their school’s gymnasium.
The students rotated through six country stations: Brazil, Australia, India, Costa Rica, Japan, and World Geography. At each stop, international presenters shared their home cultures, customs, and cuisines. Through the interactive presentations, students learned there are not only differences between U.S. and world cultures, but also similarities – and those differences and similarities should be celebrated and not feared.
CENET was joined by staff from the offices of Senator Blunt and Representative Smith, as well as KFVS and the Southeast Missourian. Special thanks to Senator Blunt for supporting CITC on social media:

CITC aims to provide authentic international education for area schools and groups. Since its inception in 2011, CITC has provided free programs for thousands of area youth. The program utilizes Southeast Missouri State University’s exchange students and international faculty, CENET staff, and local residents from other countries to provide interactive, international education about world cultures.
For more information about the event, check out the Southeast Missourian article or KFVS coverage.
A photo gallery from the event is included below:
CENET is a non-profit organization located in the Marquette Tech District in Cape Girardeau. In addition to Culture in the Community, CENET serves as a U.S. State Department authorized J-1 visa sponsor. CENET also provides The Magellan Exchange, a study abroad program for faculty and staff from universities worldwide, including Southeast Missouri State University.
Should your organization or school be interested in booking a CITC program, please contact CENET. 573-335-7111; cenet@cenet.org
CENET strives to inspire a safer, more prosperous and compassionate world through international education and cultural exploration. For more news and updates about CENET, please visit our Facebook Page.