Selections Announced for Cultural Classroom
The Cenet team was surprised with some positive news upon our arrival to the office last Wednesday. Our newest program, Cultural Classroom, was not only covered by our neighbors across the street at the Southeast Missourian, but the regional newspaper featured the program on their front page. We were excited to see Cultural Classroom receive such great exposure through the article, which can be found here.
Cultural Classroom is Cenet’s newest initiative. Our idea was to integrate cultural education into our community’s classrooms by going directly to the source: our educators. After reviewing an impressive pool of applicants, we’ve selected three teachers and one principal from various southeast Missouri schools to travel to the Dominican Republic for a week this summer. Upon their return, these educators will be given guidance on methods to provide cultural programming to their students, enhancing cultural competence throughout the community as a whole.
The Cultural Classroom trip will be handled by Intentional Tours, a travel company that specializes in authentic cultural experiences.
“At Intentional Tours, we believe that exploring new cultures and meeting new people broadens worldviews and creates change-makers,” says their co-founder, Jonathan Coleman. “This is why we are so excited to partner with Cenet to offer this opportunity to local teachers. Teachers have an incredible influence on our youth…so [the program] will only help raise up well-rounded, globally-aware students. These students will then be able to better navigate the complex economic, political, and social realities of today and tomorrow.”

We couldn’t agree more. We look forward to our partnership with Intentional Tours and the authentic, mindful programming they will provide for this group.
Cultural Classroom is rooted in a love for our community. Seeing such a positive response to a cause that we are passionate about has been overwhelming and humbling, but in the best way. Congratulations to April Garner, Seth Mayes, Erica Robbins, and Andy Tilmon for being a part of this journey with us—see you in July!